Paul E. Kretzmann
- The Virgin Birth
- The Obligation of a Rightful Betrothal
- The Baptism of John
- The Jewish Synagog
- The Significance of the Sermon on the Mount
- The “Son of Man”
- Roman Government and Tax Collection in Palestine
- Miracles
- The Observance of Sunday
- Christ’s Sphere of Activity in His Prophetic Office
- The Primacy of Peter
- The Call of the Gospel
- The Pharisees and Sadducees
- The Baptism of Children
- The Sin Against the Holy Ghost
- Demoniac Possession
- The Mode of Baptism
- The Enrolment of Quirinius
- The Obligation of the Work of Atonement
- The Deity of Jesus
- The Logos of the Prolog
- “The Flesh of the Son of Man”
- The Early History of Paul’s Life
- The Trustworthiness of Luke as a Historian
- Vision, Dream, and Revelation
- A Summary of the Latter Part of Paul’s Life
- A Brief History of English Bible Translations
- Justification
- The Election of Grace
- The Christian’s Conduct in Things Indifferent
Luco Edition
The Kretzmann Articles have been reformatted with subheaders, added cross-references and ESV tooltips for ease of use. Each article is published upon completion.
The addition of the four gospel accounts is graciously sponsored by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Website: LCMS