Leonard Hutter

Preface by Jacobs



A summary of Christian doctrine

Derived from the Word of God and the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

by Dr. Leonard Hutter

Formerly Professor at Wittenberg

Translated from the original Latin

by Rev. H. E. Jacobs and Rev. G. F. Spieker

Philadelphia, The Lutheran Book Store, 807 Vine Street, 1868

Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary

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The little work which is hereby introduced to the English-speaking portion of our church, is a classic in Lutheran Theology. Its author, Dr. Leonard Hutter. Professor at Wittenberg from 1596 until his death in 1616, was the most prominent theologian of his age. As a teacher, the church owes to him a debt of lasting gratitude for the direction which his instructions gave to the mind of Dr. John Gerhard, the most eminent of Lutheran theologians. As a devotional writer, he published an “Epitome of the Bible,” and “Meditations on the Cross of Christ.” But it was as an ardent supporter, and zealous champion of our faith, that he was especially distinguished. As such, in his Concordia Concors, he defended the Eorm of Concord against the Concordia Discors of Hospinian; in his Calvinista Aulico-politicus, contended for Christian liberty, in opposition to the edict of the Elector John Sigismund, which prohibited the teaching of certain Lutheran doctrines within the Electorate of Brandenburg ; and in quite a number of books, dissertations, and tracts, attacked and refuted Romanism. His resemblance to Luther in vigor of mind, energy of action, unwearied industry, firmness in faith, and boldness in proclaiming truth and sharply rebuking error, gave to him the title of Lutherus redivivus.

1 | The Holy Scriptures

Article I

The Holy Scriptures

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